Hibbs Training

Health & Safety Representative training

SafeWork NSW Approved Training Provider

Hibbs is an Approved Training Provider by SafeWork NSW, able to deliver the approved HSR training, both, the initial five day and the one day refresher.

These courses will assist Health and Safety Representatives who have been elected under Part 5 of the WHS Act 2011 to gain the knowledge and skills needed to fulfil their role and functions as HSR's under the WHS legislation.

A HSR who has completed the 5-day HSR Course will be deemed to have undergone the training prescribed by the WHS Act 2011 and WHS Regulation 2017 for the purposes of issuing a direction to cease unsafe work under Section 85 and issuing a Provisional Improvement Notice (P.I.N) under Section 90 of the WHS Act.

Contact us for enrolment requirements and cost of the training.

HSR training


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