An extreme weather event passed through Canberra early 2020. Several suburbs experienced a severe hailstorm (with some hailstones exceeding 40 mm in diameter) and heavy rain. The asbestos cement roof of a warehouse owned by a leading Australian retailer was badly damaged leaving the warehouse and stock water damaged and contaminated with asbestos containing dust / debris. Hibbs was engaged by the loss adjuster to design the programme for, and oversee, the remediation of the stock
Hibbs hazardous materials consultants supervised the site throughout the decontamination. They conducted continuous fibre air monitoring, visual clearance and containment inspections. Our full-time attendance supplied immediate support to the client, their decontamination contractors and the regulators.
Hibbs hazardous materials consultants ensured the client fulfilled its commitment to effectively decontaminating its warehouse and stock of asbestos debris and dust in a safe and prompt manner.
Get in touch with our specialists to discuss your project today. Contact Us
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